
About Us

SPHS Music Boosters Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is organized exclusively for charitable and education purposes. The purpose of this corporation is to support and educate students in the South Pasadena High School Instrumental Music Department.

Membership to the SPHS Music Boosters, Inc. is open to any parent of children in the South Pasadena Unified School District, current or past resident, property owner, business owner, or employee of the City of South Pasadena, California or any person that supports the above purpose statement. There are no annual dues required of members. You may find more details from our ByLaws.


Mission Statement

The SPHS Music Boosters located in South Pasadena, California organizes parents’ involvement to support the SPHS Instrumental Music Department through fundraising and volunteering at events and competitions.

Fundraisers that support the Instrumental Music Department are Bingo (Saturday – once a month), snack bar sales at varsity home football games (five nights), and the Spaghetti Dinner held in the Spring. Proceeds benefit the entire Instrumental Music Department and are used to purchase instruments, pay for repairs, pay for competition expenses, etc.  Volunteer chaperones are needed for Marching Band competitions in the Fall and Winter Line competitions in the Spring.


2024-2025 SPHS Music Boosters Board

Executive Board

The EB is responsible for the overall policy and direction of the organization, and delegates responsibility for day-to-day operations to the staff and committees.

Committee Chairs/Coordinators

Committee chairs/coordinators are in charge of special duties or events. If you are interested in one of the positions, please contact us. 

  • Color Guard Liaison: Kimber Crow
  • Orchestra Liaison:
  • Jazz Band Liaison: 
  • Bingo Volunteer Coordinator: Russ Farmarco
  • Snack Stand Coordinators: Paul Custer, Atsuko Wilds
  • Competitions: Amber Goldman
  • SDN – food:
  • SDN – silent auction: Stephanie Stein
  • Fundraising – grants:
  • Fundraising – dine-out events
  • Band Trailer: Steve Zikman & Kimber Crow
  • Pasadena Showcase House

Music Booster Meetings

We encourage all members to attend SPHS Music Booster meetings that are usually held on the first (or second if holiday) Wednesday of the month from 7:00 P.M. to 8 P.M., either in person in the SPHS choir room or over Zoom. We hear reports from the student Presidents, Executive Board, and the Music Director. We also discuss details on upcoming events.

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