Join Us
Membership to the SPHS Music Boosters, Inc. is open to any parent of children in the South Pasadena Unified School District, current or past resident, property owner, business owner, or employee of the City of South Pasadena, California or any person that supports our purpose statement. There are no annual dues required of members.
Please join our cause to support the music education at SPHS!
Volunteer | Contribute | Sponsor | Have Funs!
Stay in Touch
Email is the primary method we reach our members. Please use the Contact Us form or Email to contact us to be included in our mailing list. Please also include your child(ren)’s information, such as grade, instrument, and band affiliations in the Comment if applicable.
Please also see the instructions below on how to stay in touch with us and other members via the Band App (strongly recommended) and other social networks.
We encourage all parents to attend SPHS Music Booster meetings that are usually held on the first Monday of the month from 7 P.M. to 8 P.M. on campus in the choir room or online via Zoom.
Contact Us
We are here to answer any questions you may have. Reach out to us and we’ll respond as soon as we can.
Follow us on Social Networks
SPHS Music Boosters
SPHS Tiger Band
SPHS Color Guard
SPHS Orchestra
SPHS Percussion
SPHS Jazz Band
Band App – for current music students
Band is a group communication application available on mobile phones and the web. It is currently the primary method for Mr. Crawford and the students to communicate with each other. Many schedules are exclusively posted on the App. Therefore, all music students are strongly encouraged to join the group and check the updates periodically.
To join the group, download the “BAND – app for all groups” from the Apple or Android app store, and searching, e.g., for “SPHS Tiger Band” to join. The links to different music groups can be found on the left (or above), by clicking the band app logo.
Band App – for current music families
The parent Band App group, “SPHS Music Boosters”, serves to provide the current music families with the most recent updates from the Music Department. It also serves as an instant messenger for volunteers to communicate with each other during competitions and other events.
To join, please download the “BAND – app for all groups” from the Apple or Android app store, and search for “SPHS Music Boosters”.